Great Web Girl offers full service email and marketing campaigns for your business
Unlimited email newsletters
400+ professionally designed templates
Up to 100 contacts. If you exceed 100 contacts, you'll be prompted to upgrade to a paying account.
Unlimited surveys and polls
60 professionally designed templates; 7 different question formats
Up to 100 survey responses. If you exceed 100 survey responses, you'll be prompted to upgrade to a paying account.
Unlimited event invitations
40+ event themes
Up to 10 registrants. If you exceed 10 registrants, you'll be prompted to upgrade to a paying account.
What happens when my FREE trial is over?
You'll still have all of your data and access to reports.
You can build your list and create new emails, surveys, or events.
You won't be able to send them until you buy the product.
Just buy the product and you'll be up and running again.
What if I want to cancel?
You can cancel at any time — online or by phone. There's no obligation and no contract.
So what are you waiting for?
Click Here to start your free trial today!